What's new
1999-09-29 - Discorso del Mediatore europeo - Commissione per le petizioni, osservazioni introduttive del Mediatore europeo Jacob Söderman sul primo mandato
1999-09-28 - Europol reagiert positiv auf die Untersuchung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten über den Zugang der Öffentlichkeit zu Dokumenten
1999-09-28 - Europol répond positivement à une enquête sur l'accès du public aux documents lancée par le Médiateur
1999-09-28 - Europol responds positively to the European Ombudsman's inquiry into public access to documents
1999-09-27 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten zur Beschwerde 1125/98/VK gegen das Europäische Parlament
1999-09-27 - Speech by the European Ombudsman -Press conference
1999-09-27 - Euroopan oikeusasiamiehen puhe – Euroopan oikeusasiamies ja ihmisoikeudet
1999-09-27 - Discours du Médiateur européen -Conférence de presse
1999-09-27 - Speech of the European Ombudsman -The Maastricht Treaty and the Citizens of Europe
1999-09-27 - Speech of the European Ombudsman -Committee on Petitions Introductory remarks by the European Ombudsman, Jacob Söderman
1999-09-27 - Speech of the European Ombudsman -The European Ombudsman and Human Rights
1999-09-27 - Speech of the European Ombudsman -Committee on Institutional Affairs, speech by the European Ombudsman, Jacob Söderman
1999-09-27 - Speech of the European Ombudsman -The European Ombudsman and Human Rights
1999-09-27 - Discurso del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo -Valores de los Derechos Humanos en Europa
1999-09-27 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1125/98/VK against the European Parliament
1999-09-22 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 19/99/ADB against the European Commission
1999-09-22 - Décision du Médiateur européen concernant la plainte 19/99/ADB contre la Commission européenne
1999-09-20 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten über die Beschwerde 1313/98/VK gegen die Europäische Kommission
1999-09-20 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1093/97/XD/BB against the European Commission
1999-09-20 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 952/97/JMA against the Economic and Social Committee
1999-09-20 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 480/97/JMA against the European Commission
1999-09-20 - Décision du Médiateur européen concernant la plainte 1140/97/IJH contre la Commission européenne
1999-09-20 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 440/98/IJH against the European Commission
1999-09-20 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 955/97/IJH against the European Commission
1999-09-20 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1140/97/IJH against the European Commission
1999-09-20 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 952/97/JMA contra el Comité Económico y Social
1999-09-20 - Decisione del Mediatore europeo sulla denuncia 480/97/JMA contro la Commissione europea
1999-09-20 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 1331/98/JMA contra la Comisión Europea
1999-09-20 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1331/98/JMA against the European Commission
1999-09-20 - Decisione del Mediatore europeo sulla denuncia 74/99/IP contro la Commissione europea
1999-09-20 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 74/99/IP against the European Commission
1999-09-20 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 681/98/BB against the European Parliament
1999-09-20 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1009/98/IJH against the European Commission
1999-09-20 - Décision du Médiateur européen concernant la plainte 1216/98/PD contre la Commission européenne
1999-09-20 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1216/98/PD against the European Commission
1999-09-20 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1288/98/PD against the European Commission
1999-09-20 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten über die Beschwerde 1288/98/PD gegen die Europäische Kommission
1999-09-20 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1313/98/VK against the European Commission
1999-09-14 - Am Ende seiner ersten Amtszeit ruft der Bürgerbeauftragte zu einer besseren Behandlung der Bürger auf -Rede von Herrn Jacob Söderman, Europäischer Bürgerbeauftragter, anläßlich einer Pressekonferenz am 14. September 1999 in Straßburg
1999-09-14 - Le premier mandat du Médiateur s'achève avec un appel a un meilleur traitement des citoyens -Discours de M. Jacob Söderman, Médiateur européen, donné lors d'une conférence de presse, le 14 septembre 1999, à Strasbourg
1999-09-14 - Ombudsman's First Mandate Ends with a Call for Better Treatment of Citizens -Speech given by Mr Jacob Söderman, European Ombudsman, at a Press Conference on 14 September 1999 in Strasbourg
1999-09-13 - Draft recommendation to the European institutions, bodies and agencies in the own initiative inquiry OI/1/98/OV
1999-09-13 - Σχέδιο σύστασης προς τα ευρωπαϊκά θεσμικά και λοιπά όργανα και οργανισμούς στο πλαίσιο της έρευνας ιδίας πρωτοβουλίας OI/1/98/OV
1999-09-13 - Entwurf einer Empfehlung an die Organe, Einrichtungen und sonstigen Stellen der Europäischen Union im Rahmen der Initiativuntersuchung OI/1/98/OV
1999-09-13 - Progetto di raccomandazione alle istituzioni, agli organi e alle agenzie dell'UE nell'ambito dell'indagine di propria iniziativa OI/1/98/OV
1999-09-13 - Proyecto de recomendación a las instituciones, órganos y organismos europeos en el marco de la investigación de propia iniciativa OI/1/98/OV
1999-09-13 - Udkast til henstilling til EU-institutionerne, -organerne og -agenturerne som led i undersøgelsen på eget initiativ OI/1/98/OV
1999-09-13 - Projet de recommandation aux institutions, organes et agences européens dans le cadre de l'enquête d'initiative OI/1/98/OV
1999-09-13 - Projeto de recomendação às instituições, órgãos e organismos europeus no âmbito do inquérito de iniciativa própria OI/1/98/OV
1999-09-08 - El primer mandato del Defensor del pueblo concluye con un llamamiento a un mejor trato de los ciudadanos -El Defensor del pueblo recomienda a las institutiones comunitarias la adopción de un Código para sus funcionarios con el fin de demostrar su implicación directa en la creación de una Europa de los ciudadanos
1999-09-08 - Das erste Mandat des Bürgerbeauftragten endet mit einem Appell für eine bessere Behandlung der Bürger -Der Bürgerbeauftragte fordert die Institutionen der EU auf, einen Kodex für ihre Beamten zu verabschieden, um damit ihr Engagement für ein Europa der Bürger zu demonstrieren.
1999-09-08 - Le premier mandat du Médiateur s'achève avec un appel a un meilleur traitement des citoyens -Le Médiateur conseille vivement aux institutions communautaires d'adopter un Code pour ses fonctionnaires, afin de démontrer leur attachement à la création d'une Europe des citoyens
1999-09-08 - Ombudsman's First Mandate ends with a call for better treatment of citizens -The Ombudsman urges the EU institutions to adopt a Code for their officials to show that they are serious about creating a citizens' Europe
1999-09-08 - Il primo mandato del Mediatore si conclude con un invito ad un migliore trattamento dei cittadini -Il Mediatore raccomanda alle istituzioni comunitarie di adottare un Codice per i suoi funzionari, al fine di dimostrare il loro impegno diretto nella creazione di una Europea dei cittadini
1999-08-27 - Decisione del Mediatore europeo sulla denuncia 991/98/IP contro la Commissione europea
1999-08-27 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 749/97/IJH against the European Commission
1999-08-27 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 991/98/IP against the European Commission
1999-08-27 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1069/98/ADB against the European Commission
1999-08-27 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten zur Beschwerde 1069/98/ADB gegen die Europäische Kommission
1999-08-26 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1159/98/PD against the European Commission
1999-08-26 - Deċiżjoni tal-Ombudsman Ewropew dwar l-ilment 739/98/ADB kontra l-Kummissjoni Ewropea
1999-08-26 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1180/97/VK against the European Commission
1999-08-26 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten über die Beschwerde 1180/97/VK gegen die Europäische Kommission
1999-08-26 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 112/98/PD against the European Commission
1999-08-26 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1156/97/PD against the European Commission
1999-08-26 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1007/97/IJH against the European Commission
1999-08-26 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 451/98/PD against the Council
1999-08-26 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 391/98/PD against the European Commission
1999-08-26 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 1156/97/PD contra la Comisión Europea
1999-08-26 - Beslut av den Europeiska ombudsmannen i klagomål 112/98/PD mot Europeiska kommission
1999-08-26 - Beslut av den Europeiska ombudsmannen i klagomål 451/98/PD mot rådet
1999-08-26 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 805/98/PD against the European Commission
1999-08-26 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 545/98/(OV)/GG against the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products
1999-08-26 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten über die Beschwerde 545/98/(OV)/GG gegen die Europäische Agentur für die Beurteilung von Arzneimitteln
1999-08-26 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 568/98/PD against the European Commission
1999-08-26 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 669/98/JMA contra la Comisión Europea
1999-08-26 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 669/98/JMA against the European Commission
1999-08-26 - Décision du Médiateur européen concernant la plainte 739/98/ADB contre la Commission européenne
1999-08-26 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 739/98/ADB against the European Commission
1999-08-26 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 753/98/PD against the European Commission
1999-08-26 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten über die Beschwerde 753/98/PD gegen die Europäische Kommission
1999-08-26 - Décision du Médiateur européen concernant la plainte 1159/98/PD contre la Commission européenne
1999-08-25 - Euroopan oikeusasiamiehen päätös kanteluun 461/98/XD/BB Euroopan komissiota vastaan
1999-08-25 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 416/98/(XD)ADB against the European Parliament
1999-08-25 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 94/98/(XD)ADB against the European Commission
1999-08-25 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 461/98/XD/BB against the European Commission
1999-08-25 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 323/97/PD against the European Commission
1999-08-25 - Décision du Médiateur européen concernant la plainte 905/97/PD contre la Commission européenne
1999-08-25 - Décision du Médiateur européen concernant la plainte 94/98/(XD)ADB contre la Commission européenne
1999-08-25 - Décision du Médiateur européen concernant la plainte 416/98/(XD)ADB contre le Parlement européen
1999-08-25 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 130/98/OV against the European Commission
1999-08-25 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 323/97/PD contra la Comisión Europea
1999-08-25 - Decisione del Mediatore europeo sulla denuncia 287/98/IP contro il Parlamento europeo
1999-08-25 - Decisión conjunta del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre las reclamaciones 531/97/PD y 535/97/PD contra la Comisión Europea
1999-08-25 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on joined complaints 531/97/PD and 535/97/PD against the European Commission
1999-08-25 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 350/98/OV against the Council of the European Union
1999-08-25 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 1365/98/JMA contra la Comisión Europea
1999-08-25 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1365/98/JMA against the European Commission
1999-08-25 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 620/98/IJH against the European Commission
1999-08-25 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 706/98/VK against the European Commission