What's new
1999-11-30 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1025/98/IP against the European Commission
1999-11-30 - Entwurf einer Empfehlung an die Europäische Kommission in Beschwerde 489/98/OV
1999-11-30 - Abbozz ta' rakkomandazzjoni lill-Kummissjoni Ewropea fl-ilment 489/98/OV
1999-11-30 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 934/99/UK against the European Commission
1999-11-30 - Projet de recommandation à la Commission européenne dans la plainte 489/98/OV
1999-11-30 - Draft recommendation to the European Commission in complaint 398/97/(VK)/GG
1999-11-30 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1120/97/JMA against the European Commission
1999-11-30 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 129/98/JMA against the European Commission
1999-11-30 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 895/97/JMA against the European Commission
1999-11-30 - Draft recommendation to the European Commission in complaint 489/98/OV
1999-11-30 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1163/97/JMA against the European Parliament
1999-11-30 - Decisione del Mediatore europeo sulla denuncia 895/97/JMA contro la Commissione europea
1999-11-30 - Decisione del Mediatore europeo sulla denuncia 1120/97/JMA contro la Commissione europea
1999-11-30 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 1163/97/JMA contra el Parlamento Europeo
1999-11-30 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 129/98/JMA contra la Comisión Europea
1999-11-30 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 408/98/(PD)/GG against the European Commission
1999-11-30 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten über die Beschwerde 1063/99/VK gegen die Europäische Kommission
1999-11-30 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 6/99/VK against the European Commission
1999-11-30 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten über die Beschwerde 6/99/VK gegen die Europäische Kommission
1999-11-30 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 64/99/JMA contra la Comisión Europea
1999-11-30 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 64/99/JMA against the European Commission
1999-11-30 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 281/99/VK against the European Commission
1999-11-30 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten über die Beschwerde 281/99/VK gegen die Europäische Kommission
1999-11-30 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 75/99/ME against the European Commission
1999-11-30 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten über die Beschwerde 934/99/VK gegen die Europäische Kommission
1999-11-30 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 687/98/BB against the European Commission
1999-11-30 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 1025/98/IP contra la Comisión Europea
1999-11-23 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1012/99/OV against the European Commission
1999-11-17 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 474/98/OV against the European Commission
1999-11-17 - Besluit van de Europese Ombudsman inzake klacht 474/98/OV tegen de Europese Commissie
1999-11-15 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 718/99/GG against the Court of Justice of the European Communities
1999-11-15 - Décision du Médiateur européen sur la plainte 718/99/GG contre la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes
1999-11-15 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 794/5.8.96/EAW/SW/VK against the European Commission
1999-11-15 - Beslut av den Europeiska ombudsmannen i klagomål 794/5.8.96/EAW/SW/VK mot Europeiska kommissionen
1999-11-12 - Transparenz in den Institutionen der Gemeinschaft -Rede des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten, Jacob Söderman, 10. Jahrestag des Gerichtes der ersten Instanz, Luxemburg, 19. Oktober 1999
1999-11-12 - Transparence au sein des institutions communautaires -Allocution prononcée par le Médiateur européen, Jacob Söderman, 10e Anniversaire du Tribunal de première instance, Luxembourg, le 19 octobre 1999
1999-11-12 - Transparency in the Community Institutions -Speech delivered by the European Ombudsman, Mr Jacob Söderman, 10th Anniversary of the Court of First Instance, Luxembourg, 19 October 1999