- 2004-06-30 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 435/2004/GG against the European Commission
- 2004-06-29 - Ο Ευρωπαίος Διαμεσολαβητής επισκέπτεται την Ελλάδα, προκειμένου να ενημερώσει τους πολίτες για τα δικαιώματα τους που συνδέονται με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και το νέο Σύνταγμα της
- 2004-06-29 - European Ombudsman in Greece to raise awareness of rights linked to European citizenship and the Constitution
- 2004-06-28 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten zur Beschwerde 1671/2003/GG gegen die Europäische Kommission
- 2004-06-28 - Draft recommendation to the European Commission in complaint 2107/2002/(BB)PB
- 2004-06-28 - Draft recommendation to the Council of the European Union in complaint 2371/2003/GG
- 2004-06-28 - Empfehlungsentwurf an den Rat der Europäischen Union zur Beschwerde 2371/2003/GG
- 2004-06-28 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1671/2003/GG against the European Commission
- 2004-06-25 - Beschluss des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten über die Beschwerde 2124/2003/ADB gegen die Europäische Kommission
- 2004-06-25 - Besluit van de Europese Ombudsman inzake klacht 1876/2002/OV tegen de Commissie
- 2004-06-25 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1876/2002/OV against the European Commission
- 2004-06-25 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 2124/2003/ADB against the European Commission
- 2004-06-24 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1437/2003/(VJ)JMA against the European Commission
- 2004-06-24 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 701/2003/IP against the European Commission
- 2004-06-24 - Décision du Médiateur européen concernant la plainte 340/2003/MF contre la Cour des comptes européenne
- 2004-06-24 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 340/2003/MF against the European Court of Auditors
- 2004-06-24 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 1349/2003/JMA contra la Comisión Europea
- 2004-06-24 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1349/2003/JMA against the European Commission
- 2004-06-24 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 1437/2003/(VJ)JMA contra la Comisión Europea
- 2004-06-17 - European Ombudsman publishes new leaflet for citizens
- 2004-06-17 - Bürgerbeauftragter veröffentlicht neues Merkblatt für Bürger
- 2004-06-17 - Le Médiateur européen publie un nouveau dépliant pour les citoyens
- 2004-06-16 - European Ombudsman has first meeting with new French Ombudsman
- 2004-06-16 - Le Médiateur européen tient sa première réunion avec le nouveau Médiateur de la République
- 2004-06-10 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten zur Beschwerde 1304/2003/(ADB)PB gegen die Europäische Kommission
- 2004-06-10 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1304/2003/(ADB)PB against the European Commission
- 2004-06-09 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1619/2003/JMA against the European Commission
- 2004-06-09 - Resolução do Provedor de Justiça Europeu sobre a queixa 759/2003/IP contra a Comissão Europeia
- 2004-06-09 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 759/2003/IP against the European Commission
- 2004-06-09 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 128/2004/OV against the European Commission
- 2004-06-09 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 220/2004/GG against the European Anti-Fraud Office
- 2004-06-09 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten zur Beschwerde 220/2004/GG gegen das Europäische Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung
- 2004-06-09 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1348/2003/JMA against the European Commission
- 2004-06-03 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1949/2003/(TN)(IJH)TN against the European Commission
- 2004-06-03 - Europeiska ombudsmannens beslut om klagomål 1949/2003/(TN)(IJH)TN mot Europeiska kommissionen
- 2004-06-03 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1187/2003/JMA against the European Commission
- 2004-06-03 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 1187/2003/JMA contra la Comisión Europea
- 2004-06-03 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1256/2003/JMA against the European Commission
- 2004-06-03 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1196/2003/ELB against the European Personnel Selection Office
- 2004-06-03 - Décision du Médiateur européen sur la plainte 1196/2003/ELB contre l'Office européen de sélection du personnel
- 2004-06-03 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1110/2003/ELB against the European Personnel Selection Office
- 2004-06-03 - Décision du Médiateur européen concernant la plainte 1110/2003/ELB contre l’Office européen de sélection du personnel
- 2004-06-03 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 700/2004/GG against the European Commission
- 2004-06-03 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 2419/2003/OV against the European Commission
- 2004-06-03 - Beschluss des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten zur Beschwerde 2333/2003/GG gegen die Europäische Kommission
- 2004-06-03 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 2333/2003/GG against the European Commission
- 2004-06-03 - Entscheidung des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten zur Beschwerde 221/2004/GG gegen die Europäische Kommission
- 2004-06-03 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 221/2004/GG against the European Commission
- 2004-06-03 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 2046/2003/GG against the Council of the European Union
- 2004-06-03 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1992/2003/OV against the European Personnel Selection Office
- 2004-06-03 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 841/2003/(FA)OV against the European Commission
- 2004-06-03 - Απόφαση του Ευρωπαίου Διαμεσολαβητή επί της καταγγελίας 841/2003/(FA)OV κατά της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής
- 2004-06-03 - Draft recommendations to the European Commission in own-initiative inquiry OI/1/2003/ELB
- 2004-06-03 - Projet de recommandations à la Commission européenne dans le cadre de l'enquête d'initiative OI/1/2003/ELB
- 2004-06-03 - Entwurf von Empfehlungen an die Europäische Kommission im Rahmen der Initiativuntersuchung OI/1/2003/ELB