What's new
2005-04-29 - Ombudsman welcomes Commission decision to abolish age limit for trainees
2005-04-29 - Ombudsman väljendab heameelt komisjoni otsuse üle kaotada praktikantide vanusepiirang
2005-04-29 - L-Ombudsman tilqa' d-deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni li tabolixxi l-limitu tal-età għat-trainees
2005-04-29 - Bürgerbeauftragter begrüßt Entscheidung der Kommission, Altersgrenze für Praktikanten abzuschaffen
2005-04-29 - Le Médiateur salue la décision de la Commission de supprimer la limite d'âge pour les stagiaires
2005-04-28 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1200/2004/MHZ against the European Personnel Selection Office
2005-04-25 - 'The role of the European Ombudsman', Speech by the European Ombudsman, Professor P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, to the British and Irish Ombudsman Association Conference 2005, Warwick University, Coventry, United Kingdom, 8 April 2005
2005-04-22 - 'The role of the Ombudsman in future Europe and the mandates of Ombudsmen in future Europe', Speech by the European Ombudsman, Prof. P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, to the 9th Round Table meeting of European Ombudspersons and the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Copenhagen, 31 March 2005
2005-04-21 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1509/2004/TN against the European Commission
2005-04-21 - Draft recommendation to the European Commission in complaint 1902/2004/GG
2005-04-21 - European Ombudsman Draft recommendation to the European Investment Bank in complaint 1126/2004/GG
2005-04-21 - Europäische Bürgerbeauftragte Empfehlungsentwurf an die Europäische Kommission in der Beschwerdesache 1902/2004/GG
2005-04-21 - Empfehlungsentwurf an die Europäische Investitionsbank in der Beschwerdesache 1126/2004/GG
2005-04-21 - Az Európai Ombudsman döntése az Európai Közösségek Személyzeti Felvételi Hivatala ellen indított, 1748/2004/(AJ)(DK)TN számú ügyben
2005-04-21 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1748/2004/(AJ)(DK)TN against the European Personnel Selection Office
2005-04-21 - Besluit van de Europese Ombudsman inzake klacht 755/2004/OV tegen het Europees Parlement
2005-04-21 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 755/2004/OV against the European Parliament
2005-04-18 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1095/2004/(AJ)TN against the European Commission
2005-04-18 - Décision du Médiateur européen concernant la plainte 534/2004/ELB contre la Commission européenne
2005-04-18 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 534/2004/ELB against the European Commission
2005-04-14 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 295/2004/JMA against the European Commission
2005-04-14 - Décision du Médiateur européen sur la plainte 295/2004/JMA contre la Commission européenne
2005-04-14 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 274/2004/JMA contra la Comisión Europea
2005-04-14 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 274/2004/JMA against the European Commission
2005-04-14 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre la reclamación 295/2004/JMA contra la Comisión Europea
2005-04-12 - Beschluss des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten zur Beschwerde 3110/2004/GG gegen die Europäische Kommission
2005-04-12 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 3110/2004/GG against the European Commission
2005-04-12 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1155/2004/TN against the European Commission
2005-04-12 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1237/2004/MHZ against Eurojust
2005-04-06 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1581/2004/TN against the European Commission
2005-04-06 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 1096/2004/(AJ)TN against the European Commission
2005-04-06 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 49/2004/GG against the European Commission
2005-04-06 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 732/2004/ELB against the European Commission
2005-04-06 - Décision du Médiateur européen concernant la plainte 732/2004/ELB contre la Commission européenne
2005-04-06 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 541/2004/TN against the European Commission
2005-04-06 - Den Europæiske Ombudsmands afgørelse om klage 224/2004/PB over Europa-Kommissionen
2005-04-06 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 224/2004/PB against the European Commission
2005-04-06 - Decision of the European Ombudsman on complaint 432/2004/(IP)PB against the European Personnel Selection Office
2005-04-06 - Decisione del Mediatore europeo sulla denuncia 432/2004/(IP)PB contro l’Ufficio europeo per la selezione del personale
2005-04-06 - European Ombudsman Draft recommendation to the European Commission in complaint 956/2004/PB
2005-04-06 - Abbozz ta' rakkomandazzjoni tal-Ombudsman Ewropew lill-Kummissjoni Ewropea fl-ilment 956/2004/PB