What's new
2012-10-09 - Den Europæiske Ombudsmands afgørelse om afslutning af hans undersøgelse af klage 512/2012/BEH over Europa-Kommissionen
2012-10-09 - Решение по случай 512/2012/BEH - Твърдение за непредприемане на подходящи мерки за предотвратяване на увеличена смъртност при пчели
2012-10-09 - Décision dans l'affaire 512/2012/BEH - Allégation d’omission de prendre les mesures appropriées pour faire face à la mortalité des abeilles
2012-10-09 - Decision of the European Ombudsman closing his inquiry into complaint 512/2012/BEH against the European Commission
2012-10-09 - Rejection of a grant application due to non-submission of a technical/narrative report
2012-10-09 - Ċaħda ta’ applikazzjoni għal għotja minħabba nuqqas ta’ sottomissjoni ta’ rapport tekniku/narrattiv
2012-10-08 - Treffen mit Elisabet Fura, Haupt-Ombudsfrau des schwedischen Parlaments (08/10/2012)
2012-10-08 - Rencontre avec Mme Elisabet Fura, Médiatrice parlementaire de Suède (08/10/2012)
2012-10-08 - Meeting with Ms Elisabet Fura, Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman of Sweden (08/10/2012)
2012-10-08 - Changes to the Less Favoured Areas Compensatory Allowance Scheme in Ireland
2012-10-08 - Bidliet fl-Iskema ta’ Allowance Kumpensatorja għal Żoni Inqas Vantaġġati fl-Irlanda
2012-10-05 - Treffen mit Tiina Astola, Staatssekretärin im finnischen Justizministerium (05/10/2012)
2012-10-05 - Rencontre avec Mme Tiina Astola, secrétaire permanente du ministère de la Justice de Finlande (05/10/2012)
2012-10-05 - Meeting with Ms Tiina Astola, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Justice of Finland (05/10/2012)
2012-10-05 - Veranstaltung: “Eine offene EU – Ist Europa zu weit entfernt von seinen Bürgern?” (05/10/2012)
2012-10-05 - Participation à l'événement : « Une UE ouverte – L'UE est-elle distante par rapport à ces citoyens ? » (05/10/2012)
2012-10-05 - Participation in the event: “Open EU – Is the EU distant towards its citizens?” (05/10/2012)
2012-10-05 - Treffen mit Petri Jääskeläinen, parlamentarischer Ombudsmann von Finnland (05/10/2012)
2012-10-05 - Rencontre avec M. Petri Jääskeläinen, Médiateur parlementaire de Finlande (05/10/2012)
2012-10-05 - Meeting with Mr Petri Jääskeläinen, Parliamentary Ombudsman of Finland (05/10/2012)
2012-10-05 - The complainant contests the ECB's position not to disclose a document he had requested
2012-10-05 - The payment by the Commission of certain family allowances under the Staff Regulations
2012-10-05 - Besuch der EU-Agentur ECHA (05/10/2012)
2012-10-05 - Hindajana tegutseva sõltumatu eksperdi tasude osaline maksmata jätmine
2012-10-05 - Nuqqas ta’ ħlas ta’ parti mit-tariffi ta’ espert indipendenti li jaġixxi bħala reviżur
2012-10-05 - Manglende betaling af en del af honoraret til en uafhængig ekspert, der fungerer som kontrollant
2012-10-05 - Non-payment of part of fees of independent expert acting as a reviewer
2012-10-05 - Visit to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) (05/10/2012)
2012-10-05 - Visite de l'Agence européenne des produits chimiques (ECHA) (05/10/2012)
2012-10-04 - Besuch der EU-Agentur FRONTEX (04/10/2012)
2012-10-04 - (04/10/2012)
2012-10-04 - Visit to the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX) (04/10/2012)
2012-10-04 - Visite de l'Agence européenne pour la gestion de la coopération opérationnelle aux frontières extérieures des États membres de l'Union européenne (FRONTEX) (04/10/2012)
2012-10-03 - Treffen mit Irena Lipowicz, Ombudsfrau von Polen (03/10/2012)
2012-10-03 - Rencontre avec Mme Irena Lipowicz, Commissaire à la protection des droits civils de Pologne (03/10/2012)
2012-10-03 - Meeting with Ms Irena Lipowicz, Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection of Poland (03/10/2012)
2012-10-03 - Observations concerning the own-initiative inquiry into the implementation by Frontex of its fundamental rights obligations received from lmmigration Law Practitoners' Association
2012-10-03 - Anmerkungen zu der Initiativuntersuchung zur Umsetzung ihrer Grundrechteverpflichtungen durch Frontex aus dem Verband der Lmmigration Law Practitoners’ Association
2012-10-03 - Primjedbe u vezi s istragom na vlastitu inicijativu o provedbi obveza Frontexa u pogledu temeljnih prava koje je primilo od Udruženja stručnjaka za imigracijsko pravo
2012-10-03 - Osservazioni relative all'indagine d'iniziativa sull'attuazione da parte di Frontex dei suoi obblighi in materia di diritti fondamentali ricevuti dall'Associazione dei praticanti della legge sull'immigrazione
2012-10-03 - Observații privind ancheta din proprie inițiativă privind punerea în aplicare de către Frontex a obligațiilor sale în materie de drepturi fundamentale primite de la Asociația practicanților în domeniul imigrației
2012-10-03 - Apsvērumi par izmeklēšanu pēc savas iniciatīvas saistībā ar Frontex pamattiesību pienākumu īstenošanu, kas saņemti no lmmigrācijas likuma praktitoneru asociācijas
2012-10-03 - Připomínky týkající se šetření z vlastního podnětu týkajícího se provádění jejích povinností v oblasti základních práv ze strany agentury Frontex, které obdržela od sdružení Practitoners’ Association
2012-10-03 - Pastabos dėl savo iniciatyva atlikto FRONTEX įsipareigojimų pagrindinių teisių srityje įgyvendinimo tyrimo, kurį pateikė Lmmigration Law Practitoners’ Association
2012-10-03 - Observations concerning the own-initiative inquiry into the implementation by Frontex of its fundamental rights obligations received from Meijers Committee
2012-10-03 - Bemærkninger vedrørende undersøgelsen på eget initiativ af Frontex' gennemførelse af forpligtelserne vedrørende grundlæggende rettigheder modtaget fra Meijers-udvalget
2012-10-03 - Observações relativas ao inquérito de iniciativa própria sobre a execução pela Frontex das suas obrigações em matéria de direitos fundamentais recebidas do Comité Meijers
2012-10-03 - Observations concernant l’enquête d’initiative sur la mise en œuvre par Frontex de ses obligations en matière de droits fondamentaux reçues de la commission Meijers
2012-10-03 - Barúlacha a bhaineann leis an bhfiosrúchán féintionscnaimh ar chur chun feidhme Frontex dá oibleagáidí um chearta bunúsacha a fuarthas ó Choiste Meijers
2012-10-03 - Observaciones sobre la investigación de propia iniciativa sobre la aplicación por Frontex de sus obligaciones en materia de derechos fundamentales recibidas del Comité Meijers
2012-10-03 - Bemerkungen zur Initiativuntersuchung zur Umsetzung der vom Meijers-Ausschuss eingegangenen Grundrechteverpflichtungen durch Frontex
2012-10-03 - Pastabos dėl FRONTEX įsipareigojimų pagrindinių teisių srityje įgyvendinimo savo iniciatyva tyrimo, kurį pateikė Meijers komitetas
2012-10-03 - Réponse à la consultation pour l'enquête d'initiative lancée sur le respect par l'Agence Frontex de ses obligations relatives aux droits fondamentaux par Trans Europe Experts
2012-10-03 - Svar på samrådet om den undersökning på eget initiativ som inletts om Frontex efterlevnad av sina skyldigheter avseende grundläggande rättigheter av experter på transeuropa
2012-10-03 - Răspunsul la consultarea privind sondajul din proprie inițiativă lansat cu privire la respectarea de către Frontex a obligațiilor sale în materie de drepturi fundamentale de către experții Trans Europe
2012-10-03 - Risposta alla consultazione per l'indagine d'iniziativa avviata sul rispetto da parte di Frontex dei suoi obblighi in materia di diritti fondamentali da parte degli esperti transeuropei
2012-10-03 - Atbilde uz apspriešanos par pašiniciatīvas aptauju, ko uzsāka Trans Europe Experts par to, kā Frontex ievēro savas saistības pamattiesību jomā
2012-10-03 - Reakcia na konzultáciu týkajúcu sa prieskumu z vlastnej iniciatívy o dodržiavaní povinností agentúry Frontex v oblasti základných práv expertmi na Trans Europe
2012-10-03 - Atsakymas į konsultacijas dėl „Trans Europe“ ekspertų atlikto tyrimo savo iniciatyva dėl FRONTEX įsipareigojimų pagrindinių teisių srityje laikymosi
2012-10-03 - Observations concerning the own-initiative inquiry into the implementation by Frontex of its fundamental rights obligations received from the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
2012-10-03 - Observações relativas ao inquérito de iniciativa própria sobre a execução pela Frontex das suas obrigações em matéria de direitos fundamentais recebidas da Comissão da Migração, dos Refugiados e das Pessoas Deslocadas da Assembleia Parlamentar do Conselho da Europa
2012-10-03 - Bemærkninger vedrørende undersøgelsen på eget initiativ af Frontex' gennemførelse af dets forpligtelser vedrørende grundlæggende rettigheder modtaget fra Udvalget om Migration, Flygtninge og Fordrevne under Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling
2012-10-03 - Synpunkter på undersökningen på eget initiativ av Frontex genomförande av sina skyldigheter avseende grundläggande rättigheter från utskottet för migration, flyktingar och fördrivna personer i Europarådets parlamentariska församling
2012-10-03 - Osservazioni relative all'indagine d'iniziativa sull'attuazione da parte di Frontex degli obblighi in materia di diritti fondamentali ricevuti dalla commissione per le migrazioni, i rifugiati e gli sfollati dell'Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d'Europa
2012-10-03 - Pastabos dėl FRONTEX įsipareigojimų pagrindinių teisių srityje įgyvendinimo savo iniciatyva tyrimo, kurį pateikė Europos Tarybos Parlamentinės Asamblėjos Migracijos, pabėgėlių ir perkeltųjų asmenų komitetas
2012-10-03 - Barúlacha a bhaineann leis an bhfiosrúchán féintionscnaimh ar chur chun feidhme ag Frontex dá oibleagáidí um chearta bunúsacha a fuarthas ón gCoiste um Imirce, um Dhídeanaithe agus um Dhaoine Easáitithe de chuid Thionól Parlaiminteach Chomhairle na hEorpa
2012-10-03 - Contribution de la Commission des migrations, des réfugiés et des personnes déplacées de l'Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe relative à la consultation publique dans le contexte d'une enquête d'initiative du Médiateur européen sur Frontex
2012-10-03 - Follow-up given by the European Environment Agency following the European Ombudsman's report - OI/11/2011/PB
2012-10-03 - Daljnje postupanje Europske agencije za okoliš nakon izvješća Europskog ombudsmana – OI/11/2011/PB
2012-10-03 - Seguimiento dado por la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente tras el informe del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo — OI/11/2011/PB
2012-10-03 - Follow-up given by the European Maritime Safety Agency following the European Ombudsman's report - OI/13/2011/(JSA)JF
2012-10-03 - Tolesni veiksmai, kurių ėmėsi Europos jūrų saugumo agentūra po Europos ombudsmeno pranešimo – OI/13/2011/(JSA)JF
2012-10-03 - Eiropas Jūras drošības aģentūras turpmākie pasākumi pēc Eiropas Ombuda ziņojuma — OI/13/2011/(JSA)JF
2012-10-03 - Opatření přijatá Evropskou agenturou pro námořní bezpečnost v návaznosti na zprávu evropského veřejného ochránce práv – OI/13/2011/(JSA)JF
2012-10-03 - Termination of contract and replacement of expert
2012-10-03 - Terminazzjoni ta’ kuntratt u sostituzzjoni ta’ espert
2012-10-03 - Termination of contract and replacement of expert
2012-10-03 - Exclusion from competition
2012-10-03 - Esklużjoni mill-kompetizzjoni
2012-10-03 - Exclusion from competition
2012-10-03 - Changes to the Less Favoured Areas Compensatory Allowance Scheme in Ireland
2012-10-03 - Rejection of a grant application due to non-submission of a technical/narrative report
2012-10-02 - Determination of the amount paid to recipients of the International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF) during their stay abroad
2012-10-02 - Pagament skont id-dispożizzjoni ta’ kontinġenza tal-kuntratt tal-Programm ta’ Boroż ta’ Studju tal-UE dwar ix-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija (STF) fiċ-Ċina
2012-10-02 - Payment under the contingency provision of the contract of the EU Science and Technology Fellowship (STF) Programme in China
2012-10-01 - Handling of harassment complaint
2012-10-01 - It-trattament tal-ilmenti ta’ fastidju
2012-10-01 - Handling of harassment complaint
2012-10-01 - Non-payment of part of fees of independent expert acting as a reviewer