What's new
2012-04-27 - Transparency and data protection in selection procedures
2012-04-27 - Durchführung des allgemeinen Auswahlverfahrens KOM/AD/03-04/10 für Forschungsadministratoren (AD6 und AD7) im Bereich Physik
2012-04-27 - L-immaniġġjar tal-kompetizzjoni miftuħa COM/AD/03-04/10 għall-amministraturi tar-riċerka (AD6 u AD7) fil-qasam tal-Fiżika
2012-04-27 - It-trasparenza u l-protezzjoni tad-data fil-proċeduri tal-għażla
2012-04-27 - Handling of open competition COM/AD/03-04/10 for research administrators (AD6 and AD7) in the domain of Physics
2012-04-26 - EFSA's handling of an alleged conflict of interest concerning the Chair of one of its scientific panels
2012-04-25 - 0049/2011/AN
2012-04-25 - 1181/2008/(BEH)KM
2012-04-25 - 2586/2010/(ML)TN
2012-04-25 - 1294/2009/(TN)DK
2012-04-25 - 1294/2009/(TN)DK
2012-04-25 - Alleged irregularities within the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
2012-04-25 - Angebliche Unregelmäßigkeiten im Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss (EWSA)
2012-04-24 - Welcome speech by P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, European Ombudsman - Europe in crisis: the challenge of winning citizens' trust
2012-04-24 - Diskors ta' merħba minn P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, Ombudsman Ewropew - L-Ewropa fi kriżi: l-isfida biex tintrebaħ il-fiduċja taċ-ċittadini
2012-04-24 - Begrüßungsrede von P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, Europäischer Bürgerbeauftragter – Europa in der Krise: die Herausforderung, das Vertrauen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger zu gewinnen
2012-04-24 - Discurso de boas-vindas de P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, Provedor de Justiça Europeu — Europa em crise: o desafio de conquistar a confiança dos cidadãos
2012-04-23 - 1294/2009/(TN)DK
2012-04-23 - 0489/2011/(GRK)MHZ
2012-04-23 - 0489/2011/(GRK)MHZ
2012-04-23 - 1051/2010/BEH
2012-04-23 - 1051/2010/BEH
2012-04-23 - 1051/2010/BEH
2012-04-23 - 0384/2010/KM
2012-04-23 - 0856/2008/BEH
2012-04-23 - 2755/2009/JF
2012-04-23 - 2755/2009/JF
2012-04-23 - Ombudsmann-Seminar: Europäische Bürger können ihre Fragen an Barroso, Schulz und Thorning-Schmidt twittern
2012-04-23 - Événement du Médiateur : les citoyens peuvent tweeter leurs questions en direct à MM. Barroso, Schulz, Thorning-Schmidt
2012-04-23 - Ombudsman event: European citizens can tweet their live questions to Barroso, Schulz, Thorning-Schmidt
2012-04-23 - Annual Activity Report of the Principal Authorising Officer 2011
2012-04-23 - Relazione annuale di attività dell'ordinatore principale 2011
2012-04-23 - Pjan ta' Ġestjoni Annwali 2012
2012-04-23 - 2012 m. metinis valdymo planas
2012-04-23 - Roční plán řízení na rok 2012
2012-04-23 - Výroční zpráva o činnosti hlavní schvalující osoby za rok 2011
2012-04-23 - Годишен план за управление за 2011 г.
2012-04-23 - Årlig forvaltningsplan for 2012
2012-04-23 - Pjan Annwali ta’ Ġestjoni 2011
2012-04-23 - Plan annuel de gestion 2012
2012-04-23 - Annual Management Plan 2012
2012-04-23 - Plan annuel de gestion 2011
2012-04-23 - Annual Management Plan 2011
2012-04-21 - Transparency and data protection in selection procedures
2012-04-21 - Handling of open competition COM/AD/03-04/10 for research administrators (AD6 and AD7) in the domain of Physics
2012-04-20 - EFSA's handling of an alleged conflict of interest concerning the Chair of one of its scientific panels
2012-04-20 - Alleged irregularities within the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
2012-04-19 - Leitfaden für Beschwerden beim Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten
2012-04-19 - La guida del Mediatore europeo alle denunce
2012-04-19 - Vodič Europskog ombudsmana za pritužbe
2012-04-19 - Europeiska ombudsmannens vägledning om klagomål
2012-04-19 - Guía del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo sobre reclamaciones
2012-04-19 - Vodnik evropskega varuha človekovih pravic za pritožbe
2012-04-19 - Den Europæiske Ombudsmands vejledning til klager
2012-04-19 - Guia do Provedor de Justiça Europeu sobre as queixas
2012-04-19 - Przewodnik po skargach Europejskiego Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich
2012-04-19 - Eiropas Ombuda rokasgrāmata par sūdzībām
2012-04-19 - Ръководство на Европейския омбудсман относно жалбите
2012-04-19 - De gids van de Europese Ombudsman voor klachten
2012-04-19 - Príručka európskeho ombudsmana k sťažnostiam
2012-04-19 - Příručka evropského veřejného ochránce práv ke stížnostem
2012-04-19 - Az európai ombudsman panaszokkal kapcsolatos útmutatója
2012-04-19 - Guide des plaintes auprès du Médiateur européen
2012-04-19 - The European Ombudsman’s guide to complaints
2012-04-18 - A request for access to documents concerning meetings and correspondence with the Institute of International Finance ('IIF')
2012-04-18 - Tnaqqis mill-allowances għall-edukazzjoni tat-tfal
2012-04-18 - En anmodning om aktindsigt i dokumenter vedrørende møder og korrespondance med Institute of International Finance ("IIF")
2012-04-18 - Informazzjoni pprovduta mill-EPSO fis-Sejħiet għal espressjonijiet ta’ interess dwar ir-rimedji disponibbli għall-kandidati
2012-04-18 - Information provided by EPSO in Calls for expressions of interest concerning the remedies available to candidates
2012-04-18 - Deduction from children's education allowances
2012-04-17 - 0670/2010/(PL)MHZ
2012-04-17 - OI/3/2009/MHZ
2012-04-17 - 3249/2008/(BEH)KM
2012-04-17 - 0344/2007/(WP)BEH
2012-04-17 - 0105/2011/(TS)TN
2012-04-17 - 0700/2011/TN
2012-04-17 - 0700/2011/TN
2012-04-17 - 0862/2011/AN
2012-04-17 - 1625/2010/ANA
2012-04-17 - 2578/2009/(BU)DK
2012-04-17 - 2410/2009/(CH)KM
2012-04-17 - 1446/2010/FOR
2012-04-17 - 1342/2010/(PL)MHZ
2012-04-17 - 0346/2009/(BEH)KM
2012-04-17 - 3345/2008/TS
2012-04-17 - 0224/2005/ELB
2012-04-17 - 0491/2007/PB
2012-04-17 - 2573/2007/VIK
2012-04-17 - 1015/2011/AN
2012-04-17 - 1015/2011/AN
2012-04-17 - 1068/2011/RT
2012-04-17 - 1068/2011/RT
2012-04-17 - Ombudsmann untersucht, ob Kommission genug gegen erhöhte Bienen-Sterblichkeit unternimmt
2012-04-17 - L-Ombudsman tinvestiga jekk il-Kummissjoni għandhiex tagħmel aktar biex tiġġieled iż-żieda fil-mortalità tan-naħal
2012-04-17 - Le Médiateur : la Commission lutte-t-elle suffisamment contre l'augmentation de la mortalité des abeilles ?
2012-04-17 - Ombudsman investigates whether the Commission should do more to combat increased bee mortality
2012-04-17 - Decision of the European Ombudsman closing his inquiry into complaint 2938/2009/(GIS)(IP)EIS against the European Commission
2012-04-17 - Decisione del Mediatore europeo che conclude l'indagine sulla denuncia 2938/2009/(GIS)(IP)EIS contro la Commissione europea
2012-04-16 - Deduction from children's education allowances
2012-04-15 - Decision of the European Ombudsman closing his inquiry into complaint 2173/2011/OV against the European Research Executive Agency (ERCEA)