What's new
2012-09-28 - "International Right to Know Day - Transparency and accountability in international development banks" (28/09/2012)
2012-09-26 - Determination of the amount paid to recipients of the International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF) during their stay abroad
2012-09-26 - Payment under the contingency provision of the contract of the EU Science and Technology Fellowship (STF) Programme in China
2012-09-26 - Teilnahme an der Jahrestagung zu unabhängiger Mechanismen der Rechenschaftspflicht (26/09/2012)
2012-09-26 - Attendance at the Annual Meeting of the Independent Accountability Mechanisms (26/09/2012)
2012-09-26 - Participation à la réunion annuelle des Organes indépendants de recours (26/09/2012)
2012-09-26 - Handling of infringement complaint against the Romanian authorities
2012-09-26 - Bearbeitung von Vertragsverletzungsbeschwerden gegen die rumänischen Behörden
2012-09-26 - Vyřizování stížností na porušení právních předpisů proti rumunským orgánům
2012-09-26 - Trattament ta’ lment ta’ ksur kontra l-awtoritajiet Rumeni
2012-09-26 - Handling of experts' cost statements
2012-09-25 - Teilnahme an dem Vorkonferenzsymposium über internationale Mechanismen der Rechenschaftspflicht (25/09/2012)
2012-09-25 - Attendance at the International Accountability Mechanisms pre-conference symposium (25/09/2012)
2012-09-25 - Participation à l'avant-conférence du symposium sur les Organes internationaux de recours (25/09/2012)
2012-09-24 - Letter from the European Ombudsman concerning his own-initiative visit to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) - OI/12/2012/EIS
2012-09-24 - Pismo Europskog ombudsmana u vezi s njegovim samoinicijativnim posjetom Europskoj agenciji za kemikalije (ECHA) – OI/12/2012/EIS
2012-09-24 - Letter from the European Ombudsman concerning his own-initiative visit to the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX) - OI/13/2012/MHZ
2012-09-24 - Pismo Europskog ombudsmana o njegovom samoinicijativnom posjetu Europskoj agenciji za upravljanje operativnom suradnjom na vanjskim granicama država članica Europske unije (FRONTEX) – OI/13/2012/MHZ
2012-09-21 - Vortrag für das 'International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme' der Platon Schule (21/09/2012)
2012-09-21 - Presentation for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme of the Platon School (21/09/2012)
2012-09-21 - Discours pour l' « International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme » de la Platon School (21/09/2012)
2012-09-21 - Observations concerning the own-initiative inquiry into the implementation by Frontex of its fundamental rights obligations received from the Caritas Europa
2012-09-21 - Huomautukset oma-aloitteisesta tutkimuksesta, joka koskee Frontexin Caritas Europalta saamien perusoikeusvelvoitteiden täytäntöönpanoa
2012-09-21 - Забележки относно проверката по собствена инициатива относно изпълнението от страна на Frontex на нейните задължения в областта на основните права, получени от „Каритас Европа“
2012-09-21 - Observations concernant l’enquête d’initiative sur la mise en œuvre par Frontex de ses obligations en matière de droits fondamentaux reçues de la Caritas Europa
2012-09-21 - No Caritas Europa saņemtie apsvērumi par pēc savas iniciatīvas veikto izmeklēšanu par Frontex pamattiesību pienākumu izpildi
2012-09-21 - Pastabos dėl savo iniciatyva atlikto FRONTEX įsipareigojimų pagrindinių teisių srityje įgyvendinimo tyrimo, gautos iš „Caritas Europa“
2012-09-21 - Observations concerning the own-initiative inquiry into the implementation by Frontex of its fundamental rights obligations received from the Human Rights Watch - Refugee Program
2012-09-21 - Pastabos dėl savo iniciatyva atlikto FRONTEX įsipareigojimų pagrindinių teisių srityje įgyvendinimo tyrimo, kurį atliko organizacija „Human Rights Watch“ – Pabėgėlių programa
2012-09-21 - A Human Rights Watch – Menekültprogramból kapott, a Frontex alapvető jogokkal kapcsolatos kötelezettségeinek a Frontex általi végrehajtásával kapcsolatos saját kezdeményezésű vizsgálattal kapcsolatos észrevételek
2012-09-21 - Observações relativas ao inquérito de iniciativa própria sobre a execução pela Frontex das suas obrigações em matéria de direitos fundamentais recebidas da Human Rights Watch — Programa para os Refugiados
2012-09-21 - Uwagi dotyczące dochodzenia z własnej inicjatywy w sprawie realizacji przez Frontex obowiązków w zakresie praw podstawowych otrzymanych w ramach programu Human Rights Watch – Refugee
2012-09-21 - Observations concerning the own-initiative inquiry into the implementation by Frontex of its fundamental rights obligations received from the Jesuít Refugee Service - Europe aisbl
2012-09-21 - Pastabos dėl savo iniciatyva atlikto FRONTEX įsipareigojimų pagrindinių teisių srityje įgyvendinimo tyrimo, kurį pateikė Jesuít Refugee Service – Europe aisbl
2012-09-21 - Observaciones relativas a la investigación de propia iniciativa sobre la aplicación por Frontex de sus obligaciones en materia de derechos fundamentales recibidas del Servicio de Refugiados de Jesuít — Europe aisbl
2012-09-21 - Synpunkter på undersökningen på eget initiativ av Frontex genomförande av sina skyldigheter avseende grundläggande rättigheter som mottagits av Jesuít Refugee Service – Europe Aisbl
2012-09-21 - Observações relativas ao inquérito de iniciativa própria sobre a execução pela Frontex das suas obrigações em matéria de direitos fundamentais recebidas do Serviço Jesuít para os Refugiados — Europa aisbl
2012-09-21 - Barúlacha maidir leis an bhfiosrúchán féintionscnaimh ar chur chun feidhme Frontex dá oibleagáidí um chearta bunúsacha a fuarthas ón tSeirbhís um Dhídeanaithe Jesuít — Europe aisbl
2012-09-21 - Pripomienky týkajúce sa vyšetrovania z vlastného podnetu týkajúceho sa vykonávania povinností agentúry Frontex v oblasti základných práv, ktoré dostala od utečeneckej služby Jesuít – Európa aisbl
2012-09-21 - Observations concerning the own-initiative inquiry into the implementation by Frontex of its fundamental rights obligations received from Apostolis Fotiadis
2012-09-21 - Pastabos dėl savo iniciatyva atlikto FRONTEX įsipareigojimų pagrindinių teisių srityje įgyvendinimo tyrimo, kurį pateikė Apostolis Fotiadis
2012-09-21 - Observaciones relativas a la investigación de propia iniciativa sobre la aplicación por Frontex de sus obligaciones en materia de derechos fundamentales recibidas de Apostolis Fotiadis
2012-09-21 - Osservazioni relative all'indagine d'iniziativa sull'attuazione da parte di Frontex dei suoi obblighi in materia di diritti fondamentali ricevuti da Apostolis Fotiadis
2012-09-21 - Παρατηρήσεις σχετικά με την αυτεπάγγελτη έρευνα σχετικά με την εφαρμογή από τον Frontex των υποχρεώσεών του στον τομέα των θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων που έλαβε από τον Αποστόλη Φωτιάδη
2012-09-21 - Observații privind ancheta din proprie inițiativă privind punerea în aplicare de către Frontex a obligațiilor sale în materie de drepturi fundamentale primite de la Apostolis Fotiadis
2012-09-21 - Observations concerning the own-initiative inquiry into the implementation by Frontex of its fundamental rights obligations received from Paolo Biondi
2012-09-21 - Observații privind ancheta din proprie inițiativă privind punerea în aplicare de către Frontex a obligațiilor sale în materie de drepturi fundamentale primite de la Paolo Biondi
2012-09-21 - Забележки относно проверката по собствена инициатива относно изпълнението от страна на Frontex на нейните задължения в областта на основните права, получени от Паоло Бионди
2012-09-21 - Pastabos dėl savo iniciatyva atlikto FRONTEX įsipareigojimų pagrindinių teisių srityje įgyvendinimo tyrimo, kurį pateikė Paolo Biondi
2012-09-21 - Primjedbe u vezi s istragom na vlastitu inicijativu o provedbi obveza Frontexa u pogledu temeljnih prava koje je primio od Paola Biondia
2012-09-21 - No Paolo Biondi saņemtie apsvērumi par pēc savas iniciatīvas veikto izmeklēšanu par to, kā Frontex īsteno savas saistības pamattiesību jomā
2012-09-21 - Barúlacha a bhaineann leis an bhfiosrúchán féintionscnaimh ar chur chun feidhme Frontex dá oibleagáidí um chearta bunúsacha a fuarthas ó Paolo Biondi
2012-09-21 - Observations concerning the own-initiative inquiry into the implementation by Frontex of its fundamental rights obligations received from Pierre Georges Van Wolleghem
2012-09-21 - Observations concerning the own-initiative inquiry into the implementation by Frontex of its fundamental rights obligations received from Luisa Marin
2012-09-21 - Observações relativas ao inquérito de iniciativa própria sobre a execução pela Frontex das suas obrigações em matéria de direitos fundamentais recebidas de Luisa Marin
2012-09-21 - Забележки относно проверката по собствена инициатива относно изпълнението от страна на Frontex на нейните задължения в областта на основните права, получени от Luisa Marin
2012-09-21 - Pripomienky týkajúce sa vyšetrovania z vlastného podnetu týkajúceho sa vykonávania povinností agentúry Frontex v oblasti základných práv, ktoré dostala od Luisy Marinovej
2012-09-21 - Observations concerning the own-initiative inquiry into the implementation by Frontex of its fundamental rights obligations received from George Habib
2012-09-21 - Παρατηρήσεις σχετικά με την αυτεπάγγελτη έρευνα σχετικά με την εφαρμογή από τον Frontex των υποχρεώσεών του στον τομέα των θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων που έλαβε από τον George Habib
2012-09-21 - No George Habib saņemtie apsvērumi par pēc savas iniciatīvas veikto izmeklēšanu par Frontex pamattiesību pienākumu izpildi
2012-09-20 - Handling of experts' cost statements
2012-09-20 - Request to change the "main language" with the aim of participating in an internal competition
2012-09-20 - Cerere de modificare a „limbii principale” cu scopul de a participa la un concurs intern
2012-09-20 - Žádost o změnu „hlavního jazyka“ za účelem účasti v interním výběrovém řízení
2012-09-20 - Pieprasījums mainīt “galveno valodu”, lai piedalītos iekšējā konkursā
2012-09-20 - Solicitud de cambio de la «lengua principal» con el objetivo de participar en un concurso interno
2012-09-20 - Taotlus „põhikeele“ muutmiseks, et osaleda sisekonkursil
2012-09-20 - Begäran om ändring av ”huvudspråket” i syfte att delta i ett internt uttagningsprov
2012-09-20 - Verzoek om de „hoofdtaal” te wijzigen met het oog op deelname aan een intern vergelijkend onderzoek
2012-09-20 - Prošnja za spremembo „glavnega jezika“ z namenom sodelovanja na notranjem natečaju
2012-09-20 - Žiadosť o zmenu „hlavného jazyka“ s cieľom zúčastniť sa na internom výberovom konaní
2012-09-20 - Demande de modification de la «langue principale» dans le but de participer à un concours interne
2012-09-20 - Request to change the "main language" with the aim of participating in an internal competition
2012-09-20 - Handling of infringement complaint against the Romanian authorities
2012-09-20 - Draft recommendation of the European Ombudsman in his own-initiative inquiry OI/10/2010/JF concerning the European Commission
2012-09-19 - Rundtischgespräch mit Journalisten (19/09/2012)
2012-09-19 - Round table with journalists (19/09/2012)
2012-09-19 - Table ronde avec des journalistes (19/09/2012)
2012-09-19 - The rejection of the complainant's application for a restricted call
2012-09-19 - Iċ-ċaħda tal-applikazzjoni tal-ilmentatur għal sejħa ristretta
2012-09-18 - Vorlesung an der Universität von Zypern (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Public lecture at the University of Cyprus (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Conférence à l'Université de Chypre (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Treffen mit Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen und andere Interessengruppen (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Meeting with NGOs and other stakeholders (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Rencontre avec des ONG et autres parties interressées (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Treffen mit Tasos Georgiou, Leiter des Informationsbüros des Europäischen Parlaments, und Georgios Markopouliotis, Leiter der Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Zypern (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Meeting with Mr Tasos Georgiou, Head of the European Parliament Information Office in Cyprus and Mr Georgios Markopouliotis, Head of the European Commission Representation in Cyprus (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Rencontre avec M. Tasos Georgiou, chef du bureau d'information du Parlement européen à Chypre et avec M. Georgios Markopouliotis, chef de la représentation de la Commission européenne à Chypre (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Treffen mit Yiannakis Omirou, Präsident des Abgeordnetenhauses und Vorsitzender der EDEK (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Meeting with Mr Yiannakis Omirou, President of the House of Representatives, President of EDEK (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Rencontre avec M. Yiannakis Omirou, Président de la Chambre des Représentants, Président de l'EDEK (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Treffen mit Eliana Nicolaou, ehemalige Kommissarin für Verwaltung und Menschenrechte (Ombudsfrau) (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Meeting with Ms Eliana Nicolaou, former Commissioner for Administration and Human Rights (Ombudsman) (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Rencontre avec Mme Eliana Nicolaou, ancienne Commissaire pour l'administration et les droits de l'homme (Médiatrice) (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Treffen mit Marios Garoyian, Vorsitzender der DIKO (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Meeting with Mr Marios Garoyian, President of DIKO (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Rencontre avec M. Marios Garoyian, Président du DIKO (18/09/2012)
2012-09-18 - Various irregularities in the management of a grant agreement
2012-09-18 - Diverses irrégularités dans la gestion d’une convention de subvention