What's new
2013-01-31 - 2097/2011/RA
2013-01-31 - 2097/2011/RA
2013-01-31 - 2097/2011/RA
2013-01-31 - 2097/2011/RA
2013-01-31 - 2097/2011/RA
2013-01-31 - 3419/2008/(AF)(BEH)KM
2013-01-31 - 3148/2007/BEH
2013-01-31 - 2441/2007/JMA
2013-01-31 - 0546/2007/JMA
2013-01-31 - 0454/2006/(IP)MF
2013-01-31 - 0454/2006/(IP)MF
2013-01-31 - 1437/2006/(WP)BEH
2013-01-31 - 1437/2006/(WP)BEH
2013-01-31 - 0258/2008/VIK
2013-01-31 - 3208/2006/GG
2013-01-31 - 2441/2010/(LV)OV
2013-01-31 - 2441/2010/(LV)OV
2013-01-31 - 2086/2011/ER
2013-01-31 - 0756/2011/(MHZ)RT
2013-01-31 - 0717/2012/CK
2013-01-31 - 0717/2012/CK
2013-01-30 - Annual Management Plan 2013
2013-01-30 - 2013 m. metinis valdymo planas
2013-01-30 - Pjan ta’ Ġestjoni Annwali 2013
2013-01-30 - Planul anual de management 2013
2013-01-30 - Plan annuel de gestion 2013
2013-01-30 - 2365/2009/(MAM)KM
2013-01-30 - 2365/2009/(MAM)KM
2013-01-30 - 2365/2009/(MAM)KM
2013-01-30 - 2477/2011/RT
2013-01-30 - 1325/2008/(BEH)VL
2013-01-30 - 1325/2008/(BEH)VL
2013-01-30 - 1325/2008/(BEH)VL
2013-01-30 - 1325/2008/(BEH)VL
2013-01-30 - 1088/2011/TN
2013-01-30 - OI/6/2012/MHZ
2013-01-30 - 2050/2011/RT
2013-01-30 - 2050/2011/RT
2013-01-30 - 0452/2012/(TN)CK
2013-01-30 - 0914/2009/(IP)(EIS)ER
2013-01-30 - 0914/2009/(IP)(EIS)ER
2013-01-30 - 0914/2009/(IP)(EIS)ER
2013-01-30 - 1566/2007/DK
2013-01-30 - 3112/2007/MF
2013-01-30 - 2400/2006/JF
2013-01-30 - 0582/2008/MF
2013-01-30 - 2486/2008/MF
2013-01-28 - Declaration of financial interests
2013-01-28 - Pénzügyi érdekeltségekről szóló nyilatkozat
2013-01-28 - Oświadczenie majątkowe
2013-01-28 - Declaración de intereses financieros
2013-01-28 - Erklärung der finanziellen Interessen
2013-01-28 - Декларация за финансови интереси
2013-01-28 - Finansinių interesų deklaracija
2013-01-28 - Verklaring van financiële belangen
2013-01-28 - Dearbhú maidir le leasanna airgeadais
2013-01-28 - Vyhlásenie o finančných záujmoch
2013-01-28 - Dikjarazzjoni tal-interessi finanzjarji
2013-01-28 - Declarație de interese financiare
2013-01-28 - Δήλωση οικονομικών συμφερόντων
2013-01-28 - Izjava o finančnih interesih
2013-01-28 - Déclaration d'intérêts financiers
2013-01-28 - The Commission's handling of an infringement complaint
2013-01-28 - l-użu ta’ ajruport fil-parti tat-Tramuntana ta’ Ċipru u kwistjonijiet relatati
2013-01-28 - Χρήση αεροδρομίου στο βόρειο τμήμα της Κύπρου και συναφή θέματα
2013-01-28 - Rikkumiskaebuse menetlemine komisjoni poolt
2013-01-28 - Tramitación por parte de la Comisión de una denuncia de infracción
2013-01-28 - Kommissionens handläggning av ett överträdelseklagomål
2013-01-28 - Behandeling door de Commissie van een inbreukklacht
2013-01-28 - Rikkomusta koskevan kantelun käsittely komissiossa
2013-01-28 - O vybavovaní sťažnosti vo veci porušenia zo strany Komisie
2013-01-28 - Rozpatrywanie przez Komisję skargi w sprawie uchybienia zobowiązaniom państwa członkowskiego
2013-01-28 - Obravnava pritožbe zaradi kršitve s strani Komisije
2013-01-28 - Soluționarea de către Comisie a unei plângeri privind încălcarea dreptului comunitar
2013-01-28 - Kommissionens behandling af en overtrædelsesklage
2013-01-28 - Traitement par la Commission d’une plainte pour infraction
2013-01-28 - Il trattamento da parte della Commissione di una denuncia di infrazione
2013-01-28 - Par to, kā Komisija izskata sūdzību par pārkāpumu
2013-01-28 - Use of an airport in the northern part of Cyprus and related issues
2013-01-24 - Vortrag zum Thema „Gute Verwaltung, Ethik und Rechtsstaatlichkeit“ (24/01/2013)
2013-01-24 - Lecture on "Good Administration, Ethics and the Rule of Law" (24/01/2013)
2013-01-24 - Conférence sur « La bonne administration, l'éthique et l'État de droit » (24/01/2013)
2013-01-23 - Eröffnungstreffen im Rahmen des Artikels 33(2) der UN-Konvention über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen (23/01/2013)
2013-01-23 - Constituent meeting: Article 33(2) Framework of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (23/01/2013)
2013-01-23 - Réunion constitutive : Dispositif prévu par l'article 33(2) de la Convention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées (23/01/2013)
2013-01-23 - Report of the European Ombudsman following his visit to the European Union's Judicial Cooperation Unit (Eurojust) - OI/8/2012/OV
2013-01-23 - Rapport tal-Ombudsman Ewropew wara ż-żjara tiegħu fl-Unità ta’ Kooperazzjoni Ġudizzjarja tal-Unjoni Ewropea (Eurojust) — OI/8/2012/OV
2013-01-23 - Ittra lill-Unità ta' Kooperazzjoni Ġudizzjarja tal-Unjoni Ewropea dwar ir-rapport tal-Ombudsman Ewropew wara ż-żjara tiegħu fl-Unità ta' Kooperazzjoni Ġudizzjarja tal-Unjoni Ewropea (Eurojust) - OI/8/2012/OV
2013-01-23 - Izvješće Europskog ombudsmana nakon njegova posjeta Uredu Europske unije za pravosudnu suradnju (Eurojust) – OI/8/2012/OV
2013-01-23 - Pismo Uredu Europske unije za pravosudnu suradnju u vezi s izvješćem Europskog ombudsmana nakon njegova posjeta Uredu Europske unije za pravosudnu suradnju (Eurojust) – OI/8/2012/OV
2013-01-23 - Letter to the European Union's Judicial Cooperation Unit concerning the report of the European Ombudsman following his visit to the European Union's Judicial Cooperation Unit (Eurojust) - OI/8/2012/OV
2013-01-23 - Treffen mit Frau Calliope Spanou, Bürgerbeauftragte von Griechenland (23/01/2013)
2013-01-23 - Administrative competition COMP/PA/02
2013-01-23 - Meeting with Ms Calliope Spanou, Ombudsman of Greece (23/01/2013)
2013-01-23 - Rencontre avec Mme Calliope Spanou, Médiatrice de la Grèce (23/01/2013)
2013-01-22 - Use of an airport in the northern part of Cyprus and related issues
2013-01-22 - The Commission's handling of an infringement complaint
2013-01-22 - Letter to the European Commission concerning the decision of the European Ombudsman closing his own-initiative inquiry OI/14/2011/BEH against the institutions and bodies of the EU mentioned in Article 13 of the EU Treaty, save for the European Council.
2013-01-22 - Letter to the European Court of Auditors concerning the decision of the European Ombudsman closing his own-initiative inquiry OI/14/2011/BEH against the institutions and bodies of the EU mentioned in Article 13 of the EU Treaty, save for the European Council.
2013-01-22 - Letter to the Council of the European Union concerning the decision of the European Ombudsman closing his own-initiative inquiry OI/14/2011/BEH against the institutions and bodies of the EU mentioned in Article 13 of the EU Treaty, save for the European Council.