What's new
2013-10-30 - Access to documents
2013-10-30 - Alleged irregularities in a tender procedure
2013-10-25 - Reassignment of an official to a different post within the institution
2013-10-25 - Assenjazzjoni mill-ġdid ta’ uffiċjal għal kariga differenti fi ħdan l-istituzzjoni
2013-10-23 - A recruitment procedure concerning a project carried out by the OSCE in the Balkans, which was co-financed by the Commission
2013-10-23 - Ein Einstellungsverfahren für ein von der OSZE auf dem Balkan durchgeführtes Projekt, das von der Kommission kofinanziert wurde
2013-10-23 - Anerkennung nationaler Diplome
2013-10-23 - Proċedura ta' reklutaġġ li tikkonċerna proġett imwettaq mill-OSKE fil-Balkani, li kien kofinanzjat mill-Kummissjoni
2013-10-23 - Recognition of national diplomas
2013-10-22 - Meeting with Mr Christian Pennera and Mr Freddy Drexler, respectively incumbent and future Jurisconsult of the European Parliament (22/10/2013)
2013-10-22 - Meeting with Mr Christian Pennera and Mr Freddy Drexler, respectively incumbent and future Jurisconsult of the European Parliament (22/10/2013)
2013-10-22 - Meeting with Mr Christian Pennera and Mr Freddy Drexler, respectively incumbent and future Jurisconsult of the European Parliament (22/10/2013)
2013-10-21 - Reassignment of an official to a different post within the institution
2013-10-21 - The handling of a request for access to documents relating to the Commission's correspondence with the Italian adoption agency Amici dei Bambini
2013-10-18 - Letter from the European Ombudsman concerning his decision closing his own-initiative inquiry OI/2/2012/VL towards the European Commission
2013-10-18 - Ittra mill-Ombudsman Ewropew dwar id-deċiżjoni tiegħu li tagħlaq l-inkjesta fuq inizjattiva proprja tiegħu OI/2/2012/VL lill-Kummissjoni Ewropea
2013-10-18 - Decision of the European Ombudsman closing his own-initiative inquiry OI/2/2012/VL towards the European Commission
2013-10-18 - Commentaires de la Commission en réponse à une demande d'explications de la part du Médiateur européen - Enquête d'initiative, réf. OI/2/2012/VL
2013-10-18 - Deċiżjoni tal-Ombudsman Ewropew li tagħlaq l-inkjesta fuq inizjattiva proprja tiegħu OI/2/2012/VL lill-Kummissjoni Ewropea
2013-10-18 - Decision of the European Ombudsman closing his own-initiative inquiry OI/9/2011/IJH concerning the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
2013-10-18 - Beschluss des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten zum Abschluss seiner Initiativuntersuchung OI/9/2011/IJH betreffend die Europäische Arzneimittel-Agentur (EMA)
2013-10-18 - Europeiska ombudsmannens beslut om att avsluta sin undersökning på eget initiativ OI/9/2011/IJH om Europeiska läkemedelsmyndigheten (EMA)
2013-10-18 - Odluka Europskog ombudsmana o zatvaranju istrage na vlastitu inicijativu OI/9/2011/IJH u vezi s Europskom agencijom za lijekove (EMA)
2013-10-18 - Letter from the European Ombudsman to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) concerning his decision closing his own-initiative inquiry OI/9/2011/IJH
2013-10-18 - Dopis evropského veřejného ochránce práv Evropské agentuře pro léčivé přípravky (EMA) týkající se jeho rozhodnutí uzavřít šetření z vlastního podnětu OI/9/2011/IJH
2013-10-18 - Ittra mill-Ombudsman Ewropew lill-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Mediċini (EMA) dwar id-deċiżjoni tiegħu li tagħlaq l-inkjesta fuq inizjattiva proprja OI/9/2011/IJH
2013-10-18 - Skrivelse från Europeiska ombudsmannen till Europeiska läkemedelsmyndigheten (EMA) om hans beslut att avsluta sin undersökning på eget initiativ OI/9/2011/IJH
2013-10-18 - Schreiben des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten an die Europäische Arzneimittel-Agentur (EMA) zu seinem Beschluss zum Abschluss seiner Initiativuntersuchung OI/9/2011/IJH
2013-10-18 - Pismo Europskog ombudsmana Europskoj agenciji za lijekove (EMA) u vezi s njegovom odlukom o zatvaranju istrage na vlastitu inicijativu OI/9/2011/IJH
2013-10-18 - Brief van de Europese Ombudsman aan het Europees Geneesmiddelenbureau (EMA) over zijn besluit tot afsluiting van zijn initiatiefonderzoek OI/9/2011/IJH
2013-10-18 - Decision of the European Ombudsman closing his own-initiative inquiry OI/8/2011/IJH concerning the European Banking Authority (EBA)
2013-10-18 - Eiropas Ombuda lēmums slēgt pašiniciatīvas izmeklēšanu OI/8/2011/IJH attiecībā uz Eiropas Banku iestādi (EBI)
2013-10-18 - Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo por la que se cierra su investigación de propia iniciativa OI/8/2011/IJH relativa a la Autoridad Bancaria Europea (ABE)
2013-10-18 - Deċiżjoni tal-Ombudsman Ewropew li tagħlaq l-inkjesta fuq inizjattiva proprja tiegħu OI/8/2011/IJH dwar l-Awtorità Bankarja Ewropea (ABE)
2013-10-18 - Odluka Europskog ombudsmana o zatvaranju istrage na vlastitu inicijativu OI/8/2011/IJH u vezi s Europskim nadzornim tijelom za bankarstvo (EBA)
2013-10-18 - Euroopa Ombudsmani otsus Euroopa Pangandusjärelevalvet (EBA) käsitleva omaalgatusliku uurimise OI/8/2011/IJH lõpetamise kohta
2013-10-18 - Letter from the European Ombudsman to the European Banking Authority (EBA) concerning his decision closing his own-initiative inquiry OI/8/2011/IJH
2013-10-18 - Skrivelse från Europeiska ombudsmannen till Europeiska bankmyndigheten (EBA) om hans beslut att avsluta sin undersökning på eget initiativ OI/8/2011/IJH
2013-10-18 - Litir ón Ombudsman Eorpach chuig an Údarás Baincéireachta Eorpach (ÚBE) maidir lena chinneadh lena fhiosrúchán féintionscnaimh OI/8/2011/IJH a dhúnadh
2013-10-18 - Eiropas Ombuda vēstule Eiropas Banku iestādei (EBI) par lēmumu slēgt izmeklēšanu pēc savas iniciatīvas OI/8/2011/IJH
2013-10-18 - Ittra mill-Ombudsman Ewropew lill-Awtorità Bankarja Ewropea (EBA) dwar id-deċiżjoni tiegħu li tagħlaq l-inkjesta fuq inizjattiva proprja tiegħu OI/8/2011/IJH
2013-10-18 - Pismo Europskog ombudsmana Europskom nadzornom tijelu za bankarstvo (EBA) u vezi s njegovom odlukom o zatvaranju istrage na vlastitu inicijativu OI/8/2011/IJH
2013-10-18 - EBA Decision on Public Access to Documents
2013-10-18 - Décision de l'ABE relative à l'accès du public aux documents
2013-10-18 - EBI lēmums par publisku piekļuvi dokumentiem
2013-10-18 - Odluka EBA-e o javnom pristupu dokumentima
2013-10-18 - Deċiżjoni tal-EBA dwar l-Aċċess Pubbliku għad-Dokumenti
2013-10-17 - Recognition of national diplomas
2013-10-17 - Selection procedure for the Junior Professionals in Delegation (JPD) Programme
2013-10-17 - Procedura de selecție pentru programul „Profesioniști debutanți în delegații” (JPD)
2013-10-17 - Proċedura tal-għażla għall-Programm tal-Professjonisti Żgħażagħ f’Delegazzjonijiet (JPD)
2013-10-17 - Selection procedure for the Junior Professionals in Delegation (JPD) Programme
2013-10-17 - A recruitment procedure concerning a project carried out by the OSCE in the Balkans, which was co-financed by the Commission
2013-10-17 - Follow-up on a complaint concerning certain certification activities in a third country
2013-10-16 - Decision of the European Ombudsman closing his own-initiative inquiry OI/10/2011/IJH concerning the European Police College (CEPOL)
2013-10-16 - Euroopa Ombudsmani otsus Euroopa Politseikolledžit (CEPOL) käsitleva omaalgatusliku uurimise OI/10/2011/IJH lõpetamise kohta
2013-10-16 - Cinneadh ón Ombudsman Eorpach lena ndúntar a fhiosrúchán féintionscnaimh OI/10/2011/IJH maidir leis an gColáiste Eorpach Póilíneachta (CEPOL)
2013-10-16 - Odluka Europskog ombudsmana o zatvaranju istrage na vlastitu inicijativu OI/10/2011/IJH u vezi s Europskom policijskom akademijom (CEPOL)
2013-10-16 - Letter from the European Ombudsman to the European Police College (CEPOL) concerning his decision closing his own-initiative inquiry OI/10/2011/IJH
2013-10-16 - Brief van de Europese Ombudsman aan de Europese Politieacademie (Cepol) over zijn besluit tot afsluiting van zijn onderzoek op eigen initiatief OI/10/2011/IJH
2013-10-16 - Litir ón Ombudsman Eorpach chuig an gColáiste Eorpach Póilíneachta (CEPOL) maidir lena chinneadh lena fhiosrúchán féintionscnaimh OI/10/2011/IJH a dhúnadh
2013-10-16 - Pismo Europskog ombudsmana Europskoj policijskoj akademiji (CEPOL) u vezi s njegovom odlukom o zatvaranju istrage na vlastitu inicijativu OI/10/2011/IJH
2013-10-16 - Alleged irregularities relating to the Talent Screener in a selection procedure organised by EPSO
2013-10-16 - Allegati irregolaritajiet relatati mat-Talent Screener fi proċedura ta’ selezzjoni organizzata mill-EPSO
2013-10-16 - Alegadas irregularidades relativas ao «Talent Screener» num processo de seleção organizado pelo EPSO
2013-10-15 - Meeting with Mr Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Inter-Institutional Relations and Administration (15/10/2013)
2013-10-15 - Rencontre avec M. Maroš Šefčovič, vice-président de la Commission européenne responsable des relations interinstitutionnelles et l'administration (15/10/2013)
2013-10-15 - Meeting with Mr Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Inter-Institutional Relations and Administration (15/10/2013)
2013-10-15 - The European Medicine Agency's (EMA) linguistic policy with regard to the submission of information on medicinal products, pursuant to Article 57(2) of Regulation 726/2004
2013-10-15 - Jezična politika Europske agencije za lijekove (EMA) u pogledu dostavljanja informacija o lijekovima u skladu s člankom 57. stavkom 2. Uredbe 726/2004
2013-10-15 - Il-politika lingwistika tal-Aġenzija Ewropea għall-Mediċini (EMA) fir-rigward tas-sottomissjoni ta’ informazzjoni dwar prodotti mediċinali, skont l-Artikolu 57(2) tar-Regolament 726/2004
2013-10-15 - Politique linguistique de l'Agence européenne des médicaments (EMA) en ce qui concerne la communication d'informations sur les médicaments, conformément à l'article 57, paragraphe 2, du règlement (CE) n° 726/2004
2013-10-15 - The European Medicine Agency's (EMA) linguistic policy with regard to the submission of information on medicinal products, pursuant to Article 57(2) of Regulation 726/2004
2013-10-15 - A State aid complaint
2013-10-15 - Stížnost týkající se státní podpory
2013-10-15 - Riigiabi kaebus
2013-10-15 - Una denuncia sobre ayudas estatales
2013-10-15 - Ett klagomål om statligt stöd
2013-10-15 - Une plainte en matière d’aides d’État
2013-10-15 - Valtiontukia koskeva kantelu
2013-10-15 - Pritožba v zvezi z državno pomočjo
2013-10-15 - Sťažnosť týkajúca sa štátnej pomoci
2013-10-15 - Ilment dwar l-għajnuna mill-Istat
2013-10-15 - O plângere privind ajutorul de stat
2013-10-15 - En statsstøtteklage
2013-10-15 - Beschwerde über staatliche Beihilfen
2013-10-15 - Sūdzība par valsts atbalstu
2013-10-15 - Una denuncia in materia di aiuti di Stato
2013-10-11 - 0940/2011/JF
2013-10-11 - 2288/2011/MMN
2013-10-11 - 2288/2011/MMN
2013-10-11 - 2398/2009/(IP)EIS
2013-10-11 - 1403/2012/CK
2013-10-11 - 2407/2011/(VIK)CK
2013-10-11 - 2407/2011/(VIK)CK
2013-10-11 - Follow-up on a complaint concerning certain certification activities in a third country
2013-10-10 - Reply from the European Environment Agency (EEA) to the European Ombudsman's own-initiative inquiry (OI/4/2013/CK) concerning the EU agencies
2013-10-10 - Antwoord van het Europees Milieuagentschap (EMA) op het initiatiefonderzoek van de Europese Ombudsman (OI/4/2013/CK) betreffende de EU-agentschappen
2013-10-10 - Freagra ón nGníomhaireacht Eorpach Chomhshaoil (EEA) ar fhiosrúchán féintionscnaimh an Ombudsman Eorpaigh (OI/4/2013/CK) maidir le gníomhaireachtaí AE
2013-10-10 - Odpoveď Európskej environmentálnej agentúry (EEA) na vyšetrovanie z vlastného podnetu európskej ombudsmanky (OI/4/2013/CK) týkajúce sa agentúr EÚ