- 2012-08-09 - Allegat nuqqas ta’ verifika tal-istatus tas-sjieda ta’ bini fit-Tramuntana ta’ Ċipru użat minn benefiċjarju ta’ għotja tal-UE għall-attivitajiet tiegħu.
- 2012-08-09 - Request to access the complainant's personal file
- 2012-08-09 - Alleged unfair recovery of undue payment of expatriation allowance
- 2012-08-09 - Transfer of the complainant's pension rights to the EU pension scheme
- 2012-08-06 - Non-renewal of the complainant's contract of employment with ENISA
- 2012-08-06 - Μη ανανέωση της σύμβασης εργασίας του καταγγέλλοντος με τον ENISA
- 2012-08-03 - Transfer of the complainant's pension rights to the EU pension scheme
- 2012-08-03 - Request to access the complainant's personal file
- 2012-08-03 - Alleged unfair recovery of undue payment of expatriation allowance
- 2012-08-03 - Alleged failure to verify the ownership status of a building in the north of Cyprus used by a beneficiary of an EU grant for its activities.
- 2012-08-02 - Access to documents
- 2012-08-02 - Access to documents
- 2012-08-02 - Aktindsigt
- 2012-08-02 - Přístup k dokumentům
- 2012-08-02 - Tillgång till handlingar
- 2012-08-02 - Accès aux documents
- 2012-08-02 - Juurdepääs dokumentidele
- 2012-08-02 - Piekļuve dokumentiem
- 2012-08-02 - Acceso a los documentos
- 2012-08-02 - Dostop do dokumentov
- 2012-08-02 - Prístup k dokumentom
- 2012-08-02 - Toegang tot documenten
- 2012-08-02 - Dostęp do dokumentów
- 2012-08-02 - Rochtain ar dhoiciméid
- 2012-08-02 - Aċċess għad-dokumenti
- 2012-08-02 - Accesso ai documenti
- 2012-08-01 - Non-renewal of the complainant's contract of employment with ENISA